Saturday, March 8, 2008

i think it's all the sugar from the cookies...either that or my ADHD

today, in a narcissistic fit of rage, i took twenty pictures of me. i even wrangled my dog into one of them...against his will of course.

i hit my snooze for an hour this morning and i took my kid to work with me for the day. what a day. my boss was amazing, flying paper airplanes into my cube with treasure maps leading to her cube on them and rewarding my kid with little things when she got there. she gave her a big box to color and a buncha stickers to decorate it with. she wound up windy things and sent them across the carpet into my cube and hung up the pictures my kid sent her on her cube wall and then drew her a special thank you picture for all of her pictures. we had a babysitter pinch today and that was the last minute answer. it worked out well, despite my hesitancy. and believe me, there was a bit of hesitancy.

i'm looking forward to this whole spring ahead thing for one reason and one reason only, my clock in my truck will be right again. oh yeah, my watch will be wrong though. oh well...ya win some ya lose some.

tomorrow, i get to rest. my guys schedule is insane lately. i mean, really insane and i'm doing my best to fill in the cracks...trying to keep my kids schedule seamless and smooth so she doesn't have to feel any of the crazy. tomorrow, and the next day, there are no out-of-the ordinary cracks to be filled so i get to rest easy and get some stuff done that really needs to get done. heck, i'm even gonna get to the store to buy milk. it's gonna be great.

(i swear peta...i'm not hurting him. i swear...he's my friend, even though he likes to eat my undergarments)


Anonymous said...

you're kinda vain you know that? who takes 20 pictures of themselves??? kidding of course. You know that whenever you need us we will take your kid! when we both don't work of course!

Iris said...

coulda been 40. oh well. erik wouldn't play with me so, i had to play with myself :( yeah, i know you'll always watch my kid but it was kinda last minute and you guys do SO much for us as is! i can not tell you how much we appreciate it by the are awesome and your hubby ain't so bad either :)

Anonymous said...

yeah, he has his days ya know...this morning he wouldn't turn the tv off and go downstairs so i could go to sleep. he was a terd. then tonight i called the kids, who i haven't seen for more than 30 minutes in over a week, to say good night and they made me cry. i actually miss em a lot!