Sunday, March 2, 2008

it must be something in the water

(i just loved that little guy under the bridge)

i'm going to write about nothing tonight because i want to go play tetris. my guy is playing right now and is rambling on and on about the beauty of the game. it's the stupidist conversation he could possible be having with himself but he's amused nonetheless.

i dreamt about david duchovny last night for the whole hour i managed to sleep. i feel like i'm on the verge of doing something great creatively and my mind is really not letting me rest. i'm up all the time. i've been averaging four or so hours of sleep a night and sufficing on junk food through most of my day, but i still can't calm down. it's like i'm on this creative crack...oh wait, it's more like when you get like an itch way inside of your in the bone or something and you can't itch it but you keep trying. does that ever happen to anyone but me? anyway, that's what it's like. i can't control it, i just have to follow it. tonight i'm going to take something to help my strung out head good night should be good. the words pouring out from me lately, the pictures, the decorating, the reading, the re-arranging, it's all not enough for me. i need more...i keep craving more. i have given up internet completely. i'm a news fanatic and i quit the habit cold-turkey. five times a day i used to check it...along with my e-mail. it had to go. it was getting in the way. apparently sleep is getting in the way too. funny thing is is that i'm rarely tired...

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