Thursday, March 20, 2008

happy spring :)

(there you go babe...our first, and probably only, artistic collaboration)

since it was the first day of spring, i decided it was time to throw on the old shorts. i mean, this is the day i've been waiting for since this damn winter began way back in the fall, october to be exact, of '07. it's been the longest winter i remember in forever. it's been cold since october and it's been snowing since then too...and i LOVE winter. it's my second favorite season (fall is first...winter kinda jipped me out of the last one though) but, this one has been feeling long even to me. so anyway, today, it was time for shorts. the only lousy part about it, was that it only made it to 34 today and we're under a winter storm warning as i type. damn. i know it's just gonna melt but still...whine, whine, whine, blah, blah, blah.

pictured below: me in shorts. yay. look at how my wonderbread white legs glare back at the sun like that. i think i made the sun squint for a change. oh well, shorts did feel psychology nice...physically, well, that was whole different story. and then, to top it all off, everywhere we went, my guy would decide to have a cigarette outside just to see me freeze a little more each time. it was mean, i know...but i probably woulda done the same thing had he been irresponsible enough to wear shirts on a thirty degree day. i love irresponsibility.