Tuesday, March 4, 2008

the biggest loser

(this was cheating. i took this last spring but i'm really craving the way this day smelled and felt. this is such a long winter...i'm burnt out with the cold looking shots)

i don't usually bitch and moan about shit like this but since it's happening live, so-to-speak, i'm gonna.

it's 8:30. i just got home from the day. we all did. it's been long and i'm wore out. tomorrow will be an early morning and so will the next day. it's not ideal but, eh, it's the way it is for right now. my mind has been busy today, and a bit lonesome too, and i was looking forward to this very moment...the one where i can sit here and collect my thoughts before going to bed and then doing it all over again. so anyway, i grabbed about the worst thing to snack on while sitting here. five pretzel sticks and a glob of frosting to dip em in...it sounded so perfect, especially in contrast to how i'm feeling. then, my guy walked by, looked at me, then the frosting, took it off the counter and put it back in the fridge. i didn't say a thing; i just put the gallon of milk back and sat down. i don't know if it's a girl thing or, just a me thing but, yes, i took offense to it. my guy saw that and then got mad at me because i shouldn't be mad about it at all; in fact, he actually implied that i should be thanking him instead for doing me a favor. i think it was at that moment, the moment when he realized that that excuse wasn't going to work and maybe, just maybe, he fucked up that he got mad. he's currently in the bedroom not talking to me because of this. maybe i should have ate it anyway but i just can't now...i would feel like such a cow for doing that... i'll tell ya what i did do though...i broke two of the sticks in half left three long. i lined the short ones up vertically, like fingers (with one off to the side like a thumb), and stuck one of the long ones right in the middle. then, i laid the other two horizontally, and directly below the fingers...so basically, it roughly resembles an ancient cave-painted hand flicking someone off. look, it was the best i could do five pretzels...

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