Friday, March 28, 2008


(my tiny little bird house in one tiny little part of my yard)

ya know, it's really hard to make myself write everyday...i try but, well, i get bored listening to myself rant and rave about well, nothing.

go figure...i bore myself...usually, it's only me that thinks i'm interesting in the first place...that's pretty bad. yeah, anyway...

so, instead of continuing this argument with the dry sponge as to whether it will or won't give me water, i'm simply going to step down to three days a week with the words. i'll still have a picture up everyday though.

hmmm...this just feels so wrong...i set out to do this and now i'm not... it's just that i always quit everything my OCD starts and i really don't want to do it with this one as well. well, not that this is too impressive of a goal, a blog, but it was a goal nonetheless. i think maybe if i adjust my 'mission statement', so-to-speak, i can justify this in my perfectionist head of mine...

i am officially adjusting my goal to better suit my life right now i guess. i will be writing three times a week and posting a picture on a daily basis from now on. whew. there. i said it. hey, i feel better already :)