Wednesday, March 26, 2008 is silver but the other's gold...

so, i have three best friends. they are all amazing in their own ways and they are all so different. here, let me give you a brief run-down of the team, in NO particular order by the way...

numero uno: my partner. my co-parent. my polar opposite. one of the coolest dudes ever (second only to my dad of course;)). he actually puts up with me and loves me so unconditionally it hurts sometimes. he listens, he protects, he laughs, he yells, he knows when to put his foot down and he knows when to let me run. he has faith in me and has been my biggest fan for years now. he has the most unique tastes in things, can hold a conversation about any topic on this earth and had the drive to, at 30, completely uproot everything he knew to do an absolute 180 with his life and follow a dream. he makes me laugh, he's an amazing father and he's always there when i need him...and with me, that seems to be like more often than not...i have a tendency to get lonely fast. he's outgoing and i'm not. he's tech savvy and i'm really not. he has patience with things that i roll my eyes at and he pushes me when i'm more in the mood to flop my lazy ass down in life.

dos: she is incredible. she laughs at farts, burps and butt cracks and swears like a sailor. she drinks and smokes and is perfect for me. we can fall out of contact for a week or two and then when we pick up the phone to talk to each other, it's like we never missed a beat. i can confidently say that she is the best girl friend i have ever had in life and i have only known her for three years or so--i am so proud to be a friend of hers. she is a nurse, a mother, a wife, a friend, a chef, a party planner, a gardener, a drinking bud, a shoulder to whine on and a million more things that i don't have the time to list. she listens to me and does her damndest to smack sense into me when i'm getting stupid...which is more often than not i'm afraid. i absolutely love this girl. she is perfect in every way.

tres: he's known me since i was 18 and put up with a lot of me. he knows enough about me to sink any political career i could ever have in about three seconds and with his knowledge could also sink any relationship my unorganized heart is trying to hold down. he has all that knowledge but would never hurt me with it; he just listens...i trust him with not only my life but also with the life of my child (who happens to love him too). i tell him my snot colors and he tells me about his endless adventures in the never ending quest to get laid. he's been there for everything and then some and i love him for it more than he'll ever know. i've watched him grow from a tall skinny kid with no direction other than that to a bottle of beer to a soldier in charge of keeping our country safe. he is incredible.

so what does this intro to the tri-fecta have to do with today's blog? well, i screwed up with numero tres. big time. i spaced on the fact it's his birthday. in what little defense i do have, i have written the wrong date all day today; i wrote the 25th on everything i did. other than that, no, even with that, i have NO excuse. my dad even called to remind me two nights ago. i need to take a step back from my chaos. seriously. i am busy but there's no excuse to be a dick. i need my friends...without tres...shit, i would i have been lost SO many times. so...many...times. i'm not super good at making friends that stick and there's NO WAY i could replace the three i just listed so, i need to be better. especially to him. i am really sorry. i will make it up to you. i name it...i'll do it. i'm so sorry.