Monday, March 17, 2008

big, fat, freakin *sigh*

we got to planting seeds today. a tray of assorted veggies--for my first attempt to eat from my own backyard this year and, a tray of flowers--mostly for the kid.

i also started planning our housewarming party in may. it should be good.

i am so restless in life lately. i'm planning things ahead of schedule and getting excited with this whole party planning thing. to be embarrassingly honest, the party planning is the most alive i've felt on this stagnant, snow-covered day. pathetic, i say. there doesn't seem to be much creativity alive in me today. i'm quite inoperative as a whole in fact...just going through the motions and stuff i guess. maybe it's the snow; maybe it's the pms; maybe it's the lack of be truthful, i'm certain it's all of the above...i'm just not admitting it. what's funny, is that every time i get in one of these funks, it feels impossible to imagine feeling normal again. like, i'm never going to see sunny me again; that optimistic silver lining i normally see, turns to a big black outline--whose only job is to keep me trapped within my own disconsolation.

i'll be back to normal in about 48 hours.


on the up side, i did brush my hair today. serious. i typically only do that once a week or so. shut-up...i wash it everyday.