Monday, March 10, 2008

do as i say, not as i do child

(feelin a little dreamy lately in case ya can't tell...)

i've heard myself say it a hundred times and then today, i did just the opposite. i tell my kid not to answer the door if it's a stranger because we never want to let strangers into our, what did i do today? well, today, i answered the door, despite the two girls there being strangers--and then, i proceeded to let them come to use the bathroom.

look, here's the story...there were these two chicks, going door-to-door, collecting signatures and donations to help keep schools from strictly preaching abstinence as the only method of birth control and for pro-choice stuff. we chatted for awhile, i gave a signature (no money though...i don't have money for a cup of coffee let alone condoms for high-schoolers) and we kept chatting...they were really nice, well dressed, cute piercings and then the one goes, 'i hate to ask...i don't meet too many people out here that i think would say yes but, can i use your bathroom?', to which i replied...of course come in... the one girl and i kept chatting while the other one quickly used the bathroom. we all chatted some more and then they left. my kid, on the other hand, not only gave me the third degree while they were here but, also when they left. she doesn't get things like pro-choice and sex-ed and no way was i going to try and explain so, i had to skirt the issue until she dropped it.

on a completely separate note...i am so tired of this winter. i have never said that before about winter but, today i put on 60 miles, driving, looking for a picture. all i saw was white snow, grey dirt, a few steer and a coupla horses (wearing coats mind you). i got so discouraged and so frustrated. i started feeling so blah...i started to feel like my surroundings. it sucked. i started to take it personally and then i thought about how long this winter is and how uninspired i am by it so, i started to feel's not my fault, it's the weather's. the few shots i did find i found within 20 miles of my home. what a wasted 40 miles of gas.

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