Saturday, March 15, 2008

shoulda lindy hopped

(this fake flower in my bathroom keeps turning toward the window. it's strange)

so, i think i figured out my issue with my battle of the blog lately. my days are so freakin busy and then i expect to be able to think of things other than sleeping at night...yep, nope. i think about all these things to write about all day long and then at night i'm too tired to care. i think i need to re-adjust.

so, last night i didn't write. i got drunk instead. i got really drunk. now, i am not a drunk by nature. i detest the taste of alcohol and, i always become a blubbering moron when i ingest even an ounce of that vile liquid. the last time i drank was on new years eve and the mess that followed the next morning had me nearly pullin an elvis on my bathroom floor. it was a disaster. so, last night, i figured drinking would be fun. the seriousness of my weeks and my current mess of a mind have left me fox-trotting around in this grim, lyrical mess of an adults-only life--that i am growing quite restless in. ok. whatever. to put it bluntly, i needed an escape. so, eight shots or so into my extrication, i realized that yes, i was free from the fox-trot but, had now surpassed it by so much, i was now having issues simply walking. my head eventually landed in the toilet, my arm, a bloody mess and my knuckle burnt; finally, i passed out.

my stomach spent its morning paying dearly for my last nights sins and my blood didn't stop vibrating until nearly eleven. five microwaved mini egg rolls and a can of coke held the key to snapping me back into reality this time. i was good as gold after that. my dad came over with great snacks and good conversation, my sister came over later and my kids best friend was here all day to keep her busy. it turned into a really wonderful day despite my near psychotic break down last night, coupled with my pulsating blood this morning. who knew? i just wish i could make myself better at loving the fox-trot...

on a different note, the scab on my forehead from where i ran into the garage door last week finally came off completely. yay.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We totally should skipped the vodka and stuck with beer. The thought of drinking vodka any time soon makes me absolutely sick to my stomach! That will teach us! I can't wait til your housewarming partay! I can get booze at a discount you know...