Tuesday, August 16, 2011

these are the voyages...

(been shootin...just not posting...)

so, uhm...in totally unrelated news, i'm going back to the cube. i know, i know...i remember last time too--this is different though, i swear.

this cube is within a school that's ten miles away, on the back roads, and allows me all the same time off as my kid, plus allows me to be with her before and after school, plus allows me to still teach the middle school art class that i love and don't want to give up.

i'm not sure how this all came about, nor why i was chosen to be hired--but i have been beyond thankful and feeling incredibly blessed to be able to combine talents, passions and career. (i also thank all my 'wasted' time volunteering places...as what i am hired to do works directly with parent volunteers--much like what i was, during my girl scout camp adventures.)

anyway...tomorrow, i'm back in business attire and attending a workshop. i think i'm okay with this, though part of me feels as if i'm simply returning to corporate from a two year long vacation--for now though, i'll continue to watch this episode of star trek and regret not feeding myself better today.

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