Saturday, August 27, 2011

bet your saturday night is cooler...

so, uhm...i was driving by the above scene and i actually ran back home for my camera. i mean, i guess, this is normal? to have children, care-freely, playing right next to a military machine that's primarily used for destroying things and killing people? then again, i spose one might argue that the reason those children get to play freely is because of the men who, at one time, drove that tank? or, maybe that's the make the kiddo's feel comfortable around war machines so someday, they'll be comfortable driving them? who knows. the whole thing was odd but that's cool...because, honestly, i'm probably the only one who saw anything in this scene anyway; and well, knowing me, i've already way overthought it, but that's okay, i'm fine with my overthinkyness. (shush. it's a real thing.)

seriously though...they probably stuck it there cuz it was the only place that had any room--and putting it in front of the tank would have been totally weird and wrong. ya know, simplest answer and what not...

oh. so get this...last night, i watched my first woody allen flick and all i can say is that i think i'm in love. i saw a 'newer' movie, murder mystery in manhattan, and it was awesome. well, all except the dreams that followed. i kept dreaming about my typewriter, and that i was writing, and that it wouldn't work right and whenever i typed, the letters got stuck and then, when they did hit the paper, the ink was too light to see. it was so frustrating. i blame woody allen...though it coulda been the tater tots and tabasco i ate too...who knows for sure...

okay. back to spray painting furniture from the side of the road and listening to garrison keilor. (yup. my title is in complete reference to that sentence.) ((oh! check out what i did in my was a Mondrian inspired project that actually ended up looking pretty cool when i finished. the photos are all oldies from my grandma and are from '79-'83. the frames were given to me, in case i wanted them, from my guy's aunt...she was gonna toss 'em, otherwise. i threw them in the garage so they could go out in the trash next week, but then, i got inspired. they turned out to be perfect.))

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