Wednesday, August 17, 2011


okay. i don't have much to say. (as most times i start rambling.) but i had to say that today...the whole workshop/corporate/blah thing went amazing. i have never been more welcomed into a community as i was with my new coworkers; people even went out of their way to welcome me to the staff and offer any assistance, at any time. it was wonderful. i get to actually see my office and figure out where everything is at my school on monday; i am beyond excited. it hit me today...for the first time in my life, i get to call principals and teachers by their first name...they're now my coworkers :) i am so excited to jump in and see what i can do around that place.

and uhm. that's all.

oh. the random photos's what happened. so, i was driving along in my automobile and i saw free stuff. and i love free stuff. i randomly pick it up...only if i have an immediate use for it, if the material can be re-finished, oh, and if it smells good. so yes, i was driving, and i saw it, and i did a u-turn in the middle of the street because i had to pick up the above photoed piece. i'll admit, it's not the most sturdy piece, but it's versatile and beautiful, it's a winner. i got it home, repaired the broken arm, washed it, sanded it and will be re-painting, distressing and sealing it this weekend. i'm thinking a rusty orange...but i have no idea yet. the other picture is what happened to my legs (excuse the fatness of them); though my shirt, arms and face were just as bad. (i'm actually still blowing black dust from my nose.) the last picture is when i finally quit and made dinner. i figured i should feed my kid at some point.

i'm sure i'll post more eventually...but for now, i'm completely boring myself in my writing. i've been chattin' with an old friend and would like to keep devoting time to her and not be all distracted; plus, with the new job and stuff i'm feeling kinda floaty and focused elsewhere.

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