Sunday, August 7, 2011

i'll get over it. like always.

(a little collage from the week...)

since last sunday, i have driven just about 500 miles, hiked through severe storms and heat advisory's with a girl scout troop, mowed a half acre lawn, made a cake for one get together and dinner for seven people at another one, cleaned my house, handmade some cards, hosted a super fun sleepover, attended and supplied food for a potluck family reunion, taken in (and bathed) my dad's dog while he's in sturgis and attended a big, welcome home/happy bday party with people i didn't even know.

and this past week felt wonderful until i got yelled at because i didn't bathe the dog in time, and she lives with cats, and my guy's allergic to cat's, and i had to be an hour late to my family reunion because he didn't sleep good. it felt like punishment and i'm still upset about it and it kind of ruined that feeling of accomplishment i had...i mean, not totally, but i feel like people focus on flaws for longer than they focus on positives. focusing on flaws tends to make others feel better about themselves, maybe? i think it's natural, but knowing that the one thing i screwed up on, was the reason i showed up an hour late for something that was important to me, and my other family members, sucks. i showed up stressed. and embarrassed. and with my self-esteem lacking. and completely insecure about how i looked.

this feeling of not being good enough is absolutely my biggest weakness...that's no secret to anyone who knows me. i need to work harder on that apparently; but, for now, i should really apologize about still being upset, because this weekend's been hard to get through because of me.

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