Monday, August 8, 2011

hey. read somethin'.

(yeah. i got nothin', random screenshot that illustrates my log entry below, it is...)

really great blogs for the not 'normal' person.
(yeah. you. you're not 'normal' and pretending and boasting about how you really ARE normal actually makes you crazier. yup. it does, cuz i said so and so would any doctor. and it's so obvious. being so embarrassed that you have to lie to yourself and others needs to end. it's time. it's not weakness. now. go read. and have a laugh at your own expense. or connect with someone who makes you think deeper about who you actually are and maybe brings you closer to that perfectly not normal self that you are. it's okay. )

(not-normal-person...aka: anyone dealing with any depression/anxiety ((raises hand))/overcreativity-that-manifests-into-insanity-if-not-fully-used-in-a-timely-manor ((raises hand, again))/ADHD ((raises hand and then uses said hand to grab another project that'll undoubtedly never be finished))/postpartum/bipolar/alcoholism, and therapies/treatments/stigma's and coping techniques surrounding all of the above listed.

ya know, now that i think of it, with all that stuff listed above...maybe 'normal' is the minority making all of the above the 'norm'? i mean really...who the hell is 'regular?' everyone's something. i like reading the words of people who aren't ashamed of who they are...makes me feel proud of me, in all my whiny, codependent, ocd, adhd, sorta ways :) (well, not like carry a flag kinda proud, but more like not hide it under a big 'ol sweatshirt sorta proud.)

so yeah, go read! i'm loving what i'm finding within those bloggy walls...

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