Sunday, August 21, 2011

i love her as him

okay. just an observation...but my work just keeps getting darker. wonder what the deal with that is? like, if you look at my stuff from awhile ago, my emphasis was on color, brightness and, now it's on, well...dark vs. light (as opposed to simply contrasting/complimentary colors), drama, muted color tones and i feel like my stuff is getting quieter and more subdued rather than being so loud. i wonder if there are art shrinks? like...someone who reads you through art? or, if, this progression is just normal growth. i'm guessing normal growth. because, well, obviously i'm totally normal. not crazy. at all.

eh. who cares.

here's what really matters.

i know you've been dying to know what i watched after 9-5 last night, and if i ate potato chips.'s the scoop. i watched...wait for it...gulliver's travels! yup. i did! well...i only got to the part where sam is on the island of giants and on the table dancing before i fell asleep, but, i will finish it. tonight. hopefully.

and as for the chips. no. sadly, i did not consume any of that deliciousness. it was too late and my butt is already too big. tonight, i plan to eat brocolli and onions for dinner again, but this time, i'm gonna add soy chicken and maybe, if i'm feeling crazy, some cheese too. i know. calm down there...cheese is pushin' it...but, i'm feeling like living on the edge a bit tonight.

oh! speaking of on the edge...did you see the photo for lady gaga's latest song?? oh. i did. and wow. i'll post it in a sec... (though i don't know why i just wrote that because to you, it won't matter, you'll have seen it the moment you started reading this huge mess.) ((and the song is called 'you and i'...which has nothing to do with being on the edge. except her last song was 'on the edge of glory' which made me think in that weird chain. also...if you give a mouse a cookie, or moose a muffin, or pig a pancake, or cat a cupcake or somethin' like that...)) the video that goes with it is also incredible...well, i think so, because it's totally weird. the cornfield part is the best when she's the boy and girl. sigh. love it.

okay. going now. gonna go create an amazing dinner...or somethin' like that...

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