Thursday, May 22, 2008

this whole garage cleaning thing is wearing me out...

(had the best server at this restaurant today) really bad.

we moved in in october and like two days later, winter set in. all of our old boxes--unsorted boxes, empty boxes and junk boxes have all been sitting, ignored since then. some of them have been rifled through over the winter, others haven't been opened in years...both scenarios are equally annoying, as they both require their own special amount of work to determine if the contents are keepers or not.

anyway...this week was the week we chose to tackle it all. sorting, cleaning, disposing of or's such a sucky way to spend your time off.

i hate decisions.
i hate all the dirt.
i hate all my new cuts and bruises.
i hate how exhausted i am but i especially hate the fact that we're still not done.