Sunday, May 18, 2008

some sundays aren't so much fun days

(my dad came by and we got the kid a glove...that made my day better...)

1:14 pm

i am so crabby today. most of it, i'm sure, is a direct correlation with my disgust of anything remotely healthy. oh, food wise this time i mean. it's getting pathetic. i just want to lay in the sun and eat junk food, mostly chocolate, all day long (if you do that though, as i found out, the chocolate becomes quite melty, quite fast--even if it is cool out temperature wise).

i do not want to be interrupted.

i do not want to be so much as looked at.

i do not want to fix my hair today. i am fine with the greasy mess of frizziness i just pulled back into a disheveled something-or-other that may or may not slightly resemble a ponytail. (note the emphasis on the word slightly.)

i do not want to hold conversation for i have nothing to say but grumble and i definitely, i repeat definitely, do not want to leave this house. well, i did go to target this morning--mostly in order to fuel my new found dependency on crap food. if it weren't for my dark chocolate desires i never would have willingly left my bed. ooh, i like that. dark chocolate desires. it sounds like the name of a lonely ladies book or something. or maybe a cookbook found in a trendy little boutique...i can picture it would be right next to the dirty girl soap section.

so, now i'm home and i should be doing stuff but i'm not. i took out chicken for the family for dinner (i'll probably eat marshmallows though) and i did one load of laundry. in a little bit i will go pull a weed from my garden and then i plan on calling it a day.

8:38 update:

i am better now. for now. my dad came over. we played in the yard and went to the park to watch people play softball. it turned out pretty good. i still refuse to fix my hair though...and it's only become worse as the day has went on. oh, and i did not eat marshmallows for dinner...i had three day old pizza instead.