Tuesday, May 13, 2008

but officer, i swear, the syringes are for teeth whitening

(when i am freed from work early...i explore the city...i just need to be freed first)

the things my guy is doing right now are so ridiculously absurd, you probably wouldn't believe me if i tried to explain them. all i have to say is hun, you really need to close the curtains at night. our neighbors will be calling the police soon if you don't. on the other hand, you are freakin hilarious.

oooh. sorry readers. that was kinda like an inside joke and i hate inside jokes. they're never funny when you're on the outside and when you're the one on the inside, you still can't laugh as hard as you may want because it's kinda a jerk move to the person on the outside. it's kinda like a math problem...one of the many i never got the right answer for...and trust me, there were many. many, many, many, etc...(times infinity). what, that makes no sense? eh. i know--and that wasn't even an inside joke, i just made it up now. apparently, i'm about as good as making up jokes as i am at solving math problems.

i know. i know. more pointlessness out of me. go freakin figure.