Thursday, May 29, 2008

ms. tramell...are you done yet?

(that moth from yesterday lives under this tree...i would live there too if i were a moth. it's pretty)

pointless internet rant that nobody cares about coming up in...




i think celebrities who babble just because they're celebrities should be booted off to some far away island never to be seen again. i mean, sure, i get're famous, so you know people will have to listen, but that doesn't mean you should talk. and i know that you probably enjoy the echo of your own voice when you shout your stupidness throughout a highly annoyed society but still, that does not mean you should.

ms. sharon stone, thank you for inspiring this rant today, though it's not just you who's guilty of this trend, epidemic if you will, you're just the latest idiot. and no, i've never liked you and your crappy movies anyway because well, they're just that, crap (all right, i'll give you casino but only because it was a scorsese flick). i've never cared for your over inflated sense of self or your hideous sense of 'fashion', and what, pray tell, about the script for basic instinct two made you jump up and say, yes, i'll do it...this one's a real winner...because i really think i missed that part of the movie. (yeah whatever, i know it wasn't the plot--but instead the nearly 14 million dollar paycheck you received for reprising that washed up character. did that movie even make that much money? did ya get some fancy new leopard print clothes with that money at least?)

look, i may have a bit of a chip on my shoulder today and yeah, i'm exhausted, but really...? i just hate celebrities with their mouths that stretch wider that the eerie canal. i have no clue how wide the eerie canal is. i think 15 miles due to that song i played on my clarinet in fifth grade, but seeing how that was in fifth grade, i'm probably completely wrong...oh wait...i am on the internet. wikipedia, here i come. please hold...
all right. here's what i found out...i am WAY off. first the spelling is like this, erie canal. initially it was 40 feet wide when construction was completed in 1825. it was widened a couple times over the years and today it's 120 feet where near 15 miles...oopsie. i did find out that that figure probably derived from 1819 when the first 15 mile stretch was completed, connecting rome n.y. to utica.

either way, what was i talking about...oh yeah, sharon stone. i just don't like her and all of those other celebrities with their 120 foot wide mouths and all. will somebody please stick a log hauling barge in there...?