Monday, May 26, 2008

thanks vets...because of you i can be as odd as i like

(after the storms on sunday)

(the birthday cake from saturday)

this weekend was so great (for lack of a better, more descriptive word due to sleep deprivation). i fished and caught nothing but had fun. i drank enough beer to make me have to close one eye to see rock band clearly. i passed out on a couch and then the next night in a chilly tent. i got muddy and lost my dog...whom a neighbor later found and graciously brought back (though, after five minutes with my dog most anyone would bring him back). i sat by a bonfire, saw more stars than i have seen in quite some time and cooked meat. i think it was ok, no one got sick so i'm guessing it was fine (vegetarians and meat are a bad combo all around) corn was delicious anyway; and, i got so cold i had to walk around with goosebumps for two solid hours but, with hot fresh coffee in hand, the chill was manageable. it is so nice to be home now though...sober, warm, clean, dry and home. i like it.