Tuesday, May 27, 2008

good bye twizzlers...see ya in fourteen

after sunday's breakfast of egg rolls, a nutty bar and a mountain dew, i decided i think i need to healthen myself up a tad. so, for the next two weeks i plan to eat nothing but simple, nutrient rich foods...like the ones depicted on that food pyramid thingy.
oh, and there's this motivation: we're having a get together in two week. i'm not expecting to lose noticeable weight or anything but at least i can feel good while meeting a lot of new people and seeing so many old. yesterday was great, i do have to say, i ate all of the crap in my house. i had chocolate for lunch and dinner and then a pizza for my second dinner...but then there's today. shit.

see, i'm not a dieter, i don't even own a scale, but i am a pretty active and i am a healthy eater...well, most of the time....lately, not so much. i just know that if my normal pants start to feel a little snug i should probably re-evaluate what i'm eating until they start to fit nicely again; so, to be making myself eat properly...well, dammit, it's hard. i keep telling myself that's it's only two weeks of rice, veggies, bread, cheese, beans and fruit (that all sounds SO good though...it's just so hard to stick to it when that twix in the vending machine is calling my name). i'm allowing myself a little dark chocolate, due to it being my favorite, and one regular soda a day...i need to get off that diet crap...it gives me headaches. i really hope i can more permanently ditch the chemical-ridden foods, but that's a whole nother story. anyway...i'm half way through the food portion of day number one and i'm not diggin this at all. i'm such a baby, i know, but going from 2000 daily calories of whatever the hell i want to 1500 regimented and healthy calories...well, it's a little culture-shockish. i keep reminding myself of the whole, it's only two weeks thing but i know deep down it should be more of a permanent change and i think that's why i'm being so whiny about this. i will miss my licorice the most. especially pull and peel because it's so delicious, and cherryish, and chewy, and red and delicious....oh yeah, mentioned that one already...it really is though. oh, and cookies, i love them so much. oh yeah, and jelly belly jelly beans...they're my favorite, well, except for them evil little popcorn ones, they're nasty, you should see my face when i accidently eat one...