Wednesday, May 14, 2008

normal is what normal does. i'm not sure what that means either.

(little yard flowers...i like them. i like a lot of things today, not my sandwich for lunch though, that was gross)

on my walk into the museum today, i got to thinking. i've been doing a lot of that lately but, in my pursuit to avoid the things i should be thinking about, i started thinking about my artist friends. i have a handful of them i talk to on a fairly regular basis, though i'm not incredibly close to any of them., what was i getting at?

oh, i started noticing a correlation between them all. they all started off normal. no, not as babies or anything (well, they might have been normal then, i just didn't know them), but as young adults...and no, not that they're that abnormal now or anything, i mean they're mostly functional members of society whom simply have a tendency to go a tad bit insane here or there. but, when they started out their young adult lives, they all went overboard in trying to fit in to the general public by doing incredibly cliche general public sorts of things.

i mean, maybe it was for the look, hell, they are artists. maybe it was due to the parental figures in their life telling them to grow the hell up; or, maybe it was under the stress of the, 'oh shit, i'm 20 years old', deadline they imposed upon themselves...i don't really know. i do know that despite the mini van's, marriages, armed forces adventures, 9-5 jobs, corporate ladder climbage and college credits, all of these people chose divorces, awol's, firings, quittings and drop outtings instead. (wow, i just made up a lot of words. you should see all the mini red dots underlining the words in that last sentence, i think i might have set a personal record.) anyway, they all willingly walked away from their 'normal' lives in hopes of re-claiming who they were in the first place. i like it. i probably wouldn't like them as much if they drove the mini vans and such.

they're all so much more happy genuinely happy. well, they're drunk mostly and oh yeah, high too but still, all in all, damn do they produce some good shit...and damn do they laugh a lot.

i was thinking all of this while walking this morning. it was a good walk, as most of my walks into work are. thank you crazy art buds who make me feel normal this morning.