Thursday, February 7, 2008

'hey, you owe me two bucks dude'

(in a fit of OCD these were made...they're still sitting in the same spot as they were two days ago, still untouched)

today, i was late for work. i just don't understand the physics of rush hour traffic. i mean, i was stuck going 10 miles per hour for over 30 minutes in a place where there's usually no traffic at all! and then, get this...there was NOTHING. no accident, no one hauling a mobile home (that did happen one day), no road construction...nothing, absolutely nothing. i should have been thankful there was no accident, and don't get me wrong, i was, but i just couldn't help but feel a little jipped at the same time.

when stuff like pointless traffic-jams happen, i usually get mad at people. like, who the hell was on their cell phone and screwed it all up in the first place; or, who decided to stop on the ramp onto the freeway, screwing everyone up for the rest of the morning? i just wish i could've seen what started it all. i would have loved to have flipped them off...and then charged them the extra money it cost me for getting into the parking ramp after nine a.m.


Anonymous said...

Apparently you should leave earlier for work and be a little bit more responsible. hahaha this coming from the woman who is late for work 87% of the time! But my lateness isn't due to traffic. it is either because we were having sex or because I just didn't want to get out of bed...
And by the way Fairview has now blocked facebook so i am sure i will comment on here a lot more now!

Iris said...

hah! you know they banned facebook because of you right...? new application or patient's medication, hmmm...meds can wait ;) um, you're late for work cuz of sex...? is this still happening?? sarah, you are so naughty. i love it!!

Iris said...

oh yeah, btw...erik has a blog now too. it's, he is such a copy cat. that might keep ya busy for like another three minutes though...