Tuesday, February 26, 2008

a bun in the oven and a loaf with a bow

(yard skiing on a sunny day...it was my little one's first time on ski's. she loved it)

i've decided to become a bread maker.

you see, i've always wanted a trade. like to be a blacksmith or a horse-shoer or a tailor. so, i've decided, thanks in part to martha stuart's magazine, to become a bread maker. it combines my deep love of baking with my lack of funds...not to mention, my hearty enjoyment of different breads...so it's perfect i say! all i need is a kitchen scale to begin the journey into the yeasty abyss that awaits me, beckoning me to rise within the depths of the warmth surrounding me. sorry...i don't know what that was either...i verbally puke here and there...excuse me.

anyway...iris the bread maker. i like it. i'm crafty--i'll need to make a symbol or something though. plus, the number one bonus of all of this...my house will always smell like fresh baked bread.

i plan on wrapping my gourmet, melt-in-your mouth, perfectly textured breads in bows for christmas and hand long loaves of french bread out to everyone i know...along with a collection of gourmet jams or something.

seriously. this is what i want to do...i'm even sober as i write this, i swear. i'm going to hopefully start on this mission tomorrow...i need to get a starter going and apparently those take like a day or two to get all fermenty and stuff...oooh, i'm so excited!

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