Monday, February 18, 2008

holy hell and a side of blasphemy

(all the puppies got to watch the games today...lucky pups)

so the other day i said a bad thing...well, it wasn't meant bad but because it was said during a text message argument it was construed as bad. look, i was already up to like 700 characters in the text so i simplified the thought. i said, and i quote, "please act like the christian jesus wants you to be. you go to church for reason...this is why i don't believe in church, in christians they're all a bunch of hostile idiots that hide behind their sunday lies." nope, i shouldn't have used the word ALL in that sentence because it's not true. it's not ALL of them... i said this to someone who is being quite hypocritical in their actions right now and when you are arguing that point via text message it's hard to say everything exactly how you want it came out like that.

i do have to say though, when you look around this country, like it or not, i kind of am supported in my own statement. forget politics, war and economy--due the the novel i could write--simply look at what we, as a christian nation, enjoy to watch on tv on any given night. the violence we appear to enjoy is beyond disturbing... csi, prison break, 24, criminal minds and law and order. the or no deal, football...which could go here or in violence i spose. the adulteress, sinful dramas...our soap operas, desperate housewives and moment of truth. you can't tell me, that as this christian nation that's so morally opposed to gay marriage and abortion that these shows are morally acceptable...?

what about the movies we watch? the pop culture we support? the magazines we buy? the trash we so greedily read about other's misfortunes? i know this won't change, but dammit, until one man can legally share his life and a ring with another man i won't change my mind about the 'hypocrite' comment i stated above. until people stop hurting their children in the name of a better car and a bigger house i won't change my mind. until people stop following the flock to church instead of helping our elderly, our homeless, our poor, our children--that due to a pro-life movement are now being abused and in a poverty-ridden home--i will not be changing my mind.

going to church will not change who you are, you will change that. harming another by flipping them off because they drive to slow or looking down on someone due to clothes won't be washed away at the end of the week by an hour in church. the lies are as transparent as the shell these people dwell in. they can boast their holiness, they can frown upon those for not attending their weekly, self-centered, feel good escapade...i don't care...until we look around and really ask ourselves where jesus would want us, we are not real christians. until we are doing the lord's work, selflessly, on a daily basis, we are nothing but the lies the devil hurls in our direction. church is a wonderful place to hide from reality for many people, and so no, i do not take back what i said.

however, upon saying all of this i can tell you from deep down, that i am no place where i want to be spiritually yet...i expect to never be there fully; but, on a minute by minute basis, be trying to be everything i can be. in writing all of what i just wrote, i directly contradict so much of where i want to be, but to know that i am being judged for my beliefs is another place i need to draw the line at.

i live in the midwest, usa, and the words i just wrote are near blasphemous 'round these parts. not going to church seems to cast you as, 'one of those'. but ya know, i am so much more content being one of 'those' than i am being one of 'them'. i refuse to follow, always have...and when someone won't stand...instead of judging them...i'll be the one to ask if they need help...not look down on them from my feet.

this is not all christians though, i i said, i live in the midwest, the bible belt, and following is way easier than paving your own i see a lot more of this. being part of the community is going to church, plain and simple. i think the more people are doing this to just fit in, the more the hypocrite factor rises.

i do see, and i do know, christians leading simple, good, jesus-led paths with their lives and when they follow him, they are doing it for reasons of their own and for reasons concerning all other humans...not for show. their concern is for the children, the families, the elderly and the weak. their concern is to strengthen their heart with the love they feel from their beliefs, and to strengthen the community...these people are who i strive to model. without several of these people, i would be clueless and alone in my life. without these christians that i admire more than words can describe, i would have walked alone more than once, brought others down that same path and hurt more than i helped. it is because of them and their outward reaching hearts that many lives are changed for the good.

so, no, ALL was too strong of a word to use and i am sorry.

and dad, i do love you and just because i gripe about short guys, christians and the men running our country does not mean i don't. ya don't tease an ugly person about being ugly but you can tease a pretty person about being ugly...if that makes any sense, it does to me. i love you, plain and are a christian i admire without a shadow of a doubt...

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