Tuesday, February 19, 2008

lasagna and a sorry

tonight, i discovered that i can do laundry, upload pics from my camera to my laptop, check my myspace e-mail, make sandwiches for tomorrow, deal with my sugared up kid who could not keep her little body in bed where it belonged (it was her b-day today and she o.d.-ed on sugar) and keep an eye on the lasagna in the oven all at the same time. our schedule is going to get nuts so i'm trying to prep as much as possible for it. my schedule, by the grace of god and with the help of my wonderful boss, company and co-workers is the only thing that is going to be malleable in the impending insanity right around our corner. i have to say, i like it to a certain extent. i don't mind eating oatmeal in bed for dinner and i don't mind knowing that, at 10:30, i still have a few more things to do before i finally get to rest. like i said before, i tend to get bored easily so this keeps me interested. maybe all the busy stuff will cure be the cure for my insomnia? hopefully.

oh, and please excuse my blog yesterday. i got carried away. if it weren't for my incessant need to blog everyday due to a personal goal, i would take it down...but i just don't want a blank yet. i got angry and i shouldn't have been so transparent with my emotions. i was though, and i apologize.

oh, and one more thing...how is it that, on the 20th of february, our wind chill is still reaching 40 below zero? i mean, i LOVE winter, but this one is so cold...and long. my camera and i are feeling the uncreative snowy white curtain blanket us in blah and drab...it's a freakin heavy blanket too. not sure what i just said but i said it. it makes sense to me...bottom line, it's hard on the fingers to take pics outside when it's 10 below zero with a wind chill as cold as hitler's heart...hell, even when it's 30 degrees warmer than that it's difficult. i am sick of white pictures...i am sick of gray. my lasagna pic looks great though...nice and warm. and yellowy.


LaNae said...

Never say sorry for anything you put in a blog. If people do not like it they do not have to read it. Never limit yourself to what you want to express. We still have free speach last time I checked. Your thoughts are your thoughts and everyone else can suck my big toe.

Iris said...

oh lanae...thank you! sometimes people take so much offense to the things i write and i don't know how to make them understand that it's not about them...it's about me just venting. one person was the catalyst for this rant and that's it...and she'll never even bother to read it. i just feel bad when people get offended...sometimes i feel people are just looking for an excuse to be put off and i give them that. i blog so i can vent. period. i can not tell you how simply writing on a daily basis has helped me with so much stress i carry in my life. erik has been such a happier man and i feel like so much less like a burden...me just writing has freed him up to not have to listen to all of this...and consequently stress out as well. i write to vent, plain and simple, and it works. it works beautifully for me. knowing that someone, even if only in my imagination, is reading this, is all i need on any given day to feel better. thank you lanae for not only understanding that, but helping me remember that...

LaNae said...

Anytime Honey.