Wednesday, February 27, 2008

green eggs and tired i am

(both my grandma and i got my kid flowers for her birthday...simplicity is so beautiful, and so appreciated)

ya know, i can't help but reading all of these reports talking about foreclosure rates skyrocketing, inflation at the pumps and the ever rising prices of groceries--without thinking somewhere deep down...well, no effin shit america. i mean seriously. every balloon deflates eventually, just ask any pre-schooler.

everything we do keeps getting bigger: our jeeps are now hummers, our size eight is now a fourteen, our large is now king size...well, you get it...all i'm saying is, no effin shit america. what's going to suck the most about the impending recession is all the panicky idiots who think that life is over as we know it and that we're all doomed...well, i for one think, it's about damn time we catch up to the rest of the world.

we're not kings, our roads are really not made of gold; well, visa says they are...and, if we would have woken up from our immigrant disillusionment 100 years ago, maybe, just maybe, we all wouldn't be in so much debt and trouble now. yes, rising prices suck. yes, four dollars a gallon is going to blow, but ya know what...cut back. buy your veggies from a market, take a bus every once in awhile, save those old sour cream containers for something, grow your own flowers, get crafty and get creative. the ever-suffering environment will benefit and you might actually even out in the old checkbook. this isn't rocket science and it's not that big of a's just a change.

how did we, in the last 80 years, go so high and are now falling so low? seriously, that is like an all time, in the history of the world, kind of pathetic. even dinosaurs, with their walnut sized brains, managed to somehow rule the earth for over 160 million years and america goes 80 years before screwing up? now, i'm not cutting everybody down, but obviously, it's the vast majority of us with an issue, otherwise cnn's top story tonight wouldn't be this exact topic. (guess what website i just came from?) and no, i'm not getting all dark and stuff here, but i am concerned. my kid is going to grow up and someday be talking about the good old days when we used to eat at restaurants once a week and go to stores with aisles full of food and how now it's just something the chinese get to do. wow...that did get a little dark and stuff...oopsie.

look, all i'm saying is that if we just would have started doing the right thing years ago we wouldn't be where we're at now. one day, we're going to be saying that about our planet too at this rate. humans, for as smart as we are, are so ridiculously stupid.

ya know, as i wrote that, i started to feel a bit guilty for being just another one of those bloggers--just narcissistic-ly littering the internet with their grandiose ideals, incessant bitching, unremitting whining (all served with a side with a hippy-dippy, can-do attitude by the way), and then i thought...damn straight. yes, i am one of those (and throw your hands up to the soldiers with a big whoop-whoop for giving me the ability so express this bullshit i continuously exude). nah, i'm not too proud of it (being one of those bloggers that is), but damn am i proud to be writing again on a daily basis. i haven't done that since the emo-years, aka, high school when the poetry spewing out of me could only be likened to that of a black make-up wearing, skate-board riding, my chemical romance listening dr. suess. i don't think anyone, ever, came up with more rhymes for the words lost, love, hurt and cry than myself, thank you very much, and then i kinda stopped. like, eh, the drama's gone, i'm livin the daily grind, guess i should just talk american idol and force the grey cube of fulfillment into my circular life...only to wind up miserable and on happy pills in a few years. what's funny about that is that, even though i'm blogging about this shit that makes me kinda nauseous, i'm still feeling better than i have since i wrote all that cracked out dr. suess melodrama while wearing a flannel shirt and listening to TLC. (not that my writing was ever good...but it did scratch that itch that only words can do for me.) jogging works for some i guess and writing works for me. oh, and speaking of jogging, i really need to do some of that too.

oh, an this blog got really long because my man had surgery today and keeps 'falling asleep' every time i start to talk to him...yep, it must be the percocet baby...must be.

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