Thursday, June 30, 2011

the 500th (or so) blog spectacular

(no way! special guest appearance by BOOMY! that's so awesome! you look great boomskee!!)


okayokayokay homies. so. yes. i suck. i totally missed blog 500. blog number 400 was celebrated quite unceremoniously with nothing but a rambling butterfly story and the talk of cake. but that was 400 and seriously, who cares about the number 400. it's not that big of a deal. but 500!? that's like half a thousand...and a thousand is a lot.

so, in true 80's sitcom style, we're gonna flash back to the episodes that lead us to where we're at today. (i apologize for my lack of laugh track.)


most popular post ever

close second to the most popular post ever

and my first post iris

an incredibly insane post, from an incredibly insane (but oddly beautiful), spot in my life

when i fell in love with taylor but was still in denial

the, 'ugh...what the HELL am i bitching about NOW blog??'

drunk post

wtf did i title this?

crazy stalker post

who's claire? and what does she have to do with ANYTHING in this post?

dude. i frickin miss you

(you told me stories about your chickadees...they didn't like bb guns or stupid archery...)

((this blog wouldn't be right without at least one random lyrical-interjection...duh.))

random injury

celebrity hatred

yay for laziness!



500 blogs. so much nonsense. so many insane ramblings. so many ups and downs that have inspired me to write yet make me sound half psychotic. so many 'wtf's and 'wow, that was boring's.

so, folks, raise your glass to 500 more. (i know. i really don't think it's ethical of me to subject anyone to 500 more either...) let's face it though, it has been a great, albeit semi-psychotic, run so far.


thanks again to boomy for making a special guest appearance in tonight's blog and again...thanks for reading and goodnight.


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