Friday, July 23, 2010

jaw dropping, i know

(satellite images? one is...and one's MY discovery)

now, we all know i have no life. well, i do. but it's a pretty nerdy one, at best, and weird things tend to make me really excited. like this for example...the photo set you're about to see.

so, i was surfin one of my fav sites, national, a few days ago and came across a pretty rad was called the Valley of the Khans project and it encouraged readers to study an aerial satellite image and submit contributions with their 'findings' on what the image held. i didn't submit my findings, as i didn't find anything...but, i got the idea of what they were after. i mean, i did study it for like 30 seconds (shush. that's ample time to make a major discovery, trust me), but then got even MORE excited to read about the wooden stonehenge that was found in ohio--so i clicked on that story instead.

anyway...while working in the kitchen today, i did come across a major discovery by complete accident...the photos above are snippits of the photos below.

see! this is SO amazing to me! i think it's awesome! it's like that one time when i saw a photo of a brain cell and something in outer space and they were the same...this is kinda like that. but not completely...

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