hey, hi. nice to read ya btw.
so i have to admit something that i hate to have to admit, but the new eminem cd, freakin awesome. my current fav song, all around--love the way you lie.
ya know, come to think of it...for the last two years, i've really hated most top 40. it's been terrible. but this year...i'm loving SO much of it that i think there may be something horribly wrong with me. but with gaga, and perry, and timbaland, and the black eyed peas eating up the airways, you just can't go wrong. well, ke$ha is wrong, terribly wrong, and she eats up lots of space i guess. but her crap is sill catchy...annoying as all hell, but catchy nonetheless. and 3oh!3, SUCH punks--pair them with ke$ha and you get awful stuff that sticks in your head for hours upon hours. apparently, if you have a symbol in your name that could represent a swear word in a cartoon...your music makes people actually want to swear?? (swearing WHILE dancing of course...)
why am i talking about this shit?
well, i guess pop music/culture is the like the potato chips of our society. every now and then...ya just need to binge out on some junk or something...? (also, there's really no excuse...)
i like your beard.
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