Monday, December 5, 2011

a film i felt needed, MORE sharing!

i can't get enough of this message. i really feel like it needs to be shared...and here is one more outlet i have...

i branched out, into the film maker's world and was a part of the first google+, short film festival, this past weekend.

i got to see some AMAZING films and chat with the film makers.

THIS film though, stuck with me, hard.

i shared it on g+ and within 12 hours, it went COMPLETELY viral, being shared by over 1500 people and HUNDREDS of people started leaving comments about how they found themselves in tears and how good the message felt. the film maker told me, that since i shared it, her views went up by 20,000. she is a wonderful, humble, thankful and gracious woman...and, in a field dominated by men, she has made one heck of a mark.

i'm coming back, just to share her film. i think it's worth seeing...especially during the holiday season. it's ten minutes and left me in tears...but not bad tears. tears that felt good and that felt hopeful.

i can't say enough good things...and judging by the response of everyone who has seen it...i don't think i'm completely off :)

here's the link to the film...

i hope you enjoy it half as much as i did.

i love creative much :)

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


okay...still in thought about my ramblings of recent and ya know what? sometimes, it all just boils down to wanting to go where everybody knows my name. and they're always glad i came. i wanna be where i can see, our troubles are all the same. i wanna go where everybody knows my name.


well. that was plainly and simply, plagiarism.


if you want to get in touch with me, even if you *think* i don't like you or that you shouldn't, PLEASE email me at to keep in touch--i really would love to hear from you :) i can connect you to my google+ (even if you don't belong to it, i can still email you my posts) or converse via email. i'm pretty much putting up mini-blogs with all of my photos lately on g+ anyway...

this blog, my blog-baby, doesn't feel bright it used to. it feels like i'm here fully but some of you are just doin' the whole gawker slow down thing and that makes me want not be here fully...and that's not what i'm all about. i could see me coming back, someday, but right now...between my busy-ness and the bad taste in my mouth...i'm not sure why i'm making any effort at all.

in case you're's what i'm working on over on g+ and just in general:
(this is like a commercial, btw...)

::i just started a 365 project and connected to other photographers in the 365 community. so far, i'm on day 3. i was not-so-gently-nudged by friends to get my ass going on this. i've always put it off due to time and the difficulty of it, but, it's time :) (a 365 project is a photo-a-day project.)

::i'm working on my photo scavenger hunt. that has a november 30th deadline so i REALLY need to get moving on it. though it's something my kid and i are working on together, so it's been fun :)

::i was invited into a small group of fairly well-known, incredibly talented, photographers, to participate in their 'photo death match'. basically, the moderators of the group pit two photographers against each other, choose the topic for them, give them a week and tell them to 'go'. the photos, on their deadline, are put up, in front of tens of thousands of people to be seen, shared and voted on. i'm up this week and our topic is the 'selfie'. i need to, by monday, create a self-portrait worthy of some massive publicity and maybe some approval. i'm up against a guy who's got a rough and tough demeanor but can photograph women beautifully...i can't wait to see what he comes up with.

::moderating!! i'm moderating a weekly, online, photo group called fido friday. so, if you're ever on g+ and have a dog photo you want to submit for my moderation abilities, do it! anyone can submit...doesn't matter your abilities!

::editing! i have to finish editing, finish burning and do some mailing!

so yeah...that's pretty much it.

*switches off light*

Monday, October 24, 2011

here's another, folks

(a refurbished, oldie for a little thing called, CATURDAY...)

hmmm. okay. so, the general consensus seems to be, so far...that i need a new blog. or, that i need to start posting things like other people's crap on here. like a poem, or photo, or link, or just basically, something not 'me'...something more 'generic'.

yeah. that's not gonna happen because i spew stuff left and right...and when i shouldn't talk...i talk more than ever. and, well, not to sound like a total snob, but other people's stuff often bore's me. well...not if i know them personally, that is. but then, posting stuff, from people i know and admire, kinda defeats the purpose of being generic in the first place. ugh.

maybe i've just outgrown this shell. like a hermit crab or something... it happens in the blog world, right?? the only problem is, in my heart...the iris shell still fits perfectly. i don't want to switch homes, at all :'( maybe this is more like an eviction...and i need to look at it like that? home was taken over by squatters and i have to leave. okay...that sounds negative still. ugh.

i guess there are other things i could do...i introduced boomy to the g+ world and had a great response. someone mentioned throwing him onto wordpress, someone else mentioned writing a series....those things could work. i'd also like to **attempt** to become more serious as a writer. i always love having writers in my life and there's a reason...our brains work well together. i mean i've already got an entire encyclopedia's worth of photos and i'm realizing that each one already has a story--it just needs the words to make it real. then again...maybe now wanting to write a book, or something, is a bit lofty of a goal. who knows. maybe i need to find a writer who works well with me and work on that. ugh.

i don't know.

i'll keep thinking on this...maybe someone else has a better answer? i have decided that this blog will stay open. i'm proud of all its ramblings and closing it feels sadder than leaving it. i just can't shake the one way mirror thing! and i'm not stoned or paranoid or crazy...i've been watching more carefully since mid june and i can see how many times people read this blog everyday and i can see 'where' the audience comes from--i can't see WHO my very regular people are...but i have some pretty educated guesses. i mean, yes, i have many people who read...but only a certain amount of frequent regulars. yet...despite the daily reads--how many of you comment? do you call me? do you follow up email me about anything? do you hold out a hand, or ask me for coffee when you can tell things are rough? do you congratulate me when things are good? do you post your own blog for me to read? do you actually 'follow' this blog? are you friends with me on any social networks? do you keep your social networking 'open' for me to see...or do you just read everything on mine and privatize everything on yours?

i don't know why this is buggin' me so much lately...but, i just can't shake it. and, like everything else, i'll get over it... **sigh**

Saturday, October 22, 2011

i like that you're here. i swear. just please let me know you're here...

(a fun, fall, capture!)

oops. sorry about that slight interruption. in case you read me often (which, if you do, i apologize about), you noticed i privatized everything there for a bit. it wasn't the intention.

see, i do a lot online. i find so much inspiration from others and i deeply enjoy being a part of a larger, worldwide, community of photographers and writers. it's great to find conversation at all hours, to learn more, to want to do more, to be able to connect with like-minded individuals and to feel like i fit in somewhere.

but lately, i have this feeling of frustration stemming from the fact that i basically live my life on the 'other' side of a one-way mirror. people close to me, are actually further away from me, than people on the other side of the world that i've never, in-person, even met. they just watch me...never bothering to respond in person to me, reach out to me, or say hi. they just read and watch and because i'm a 'public' figure, in-a-sense, that's very easy for them to do. and that's fine. but, i very rarely get to see or read anything from these people...and when i do reach out and say hi, nothing is ever reciprocated. i'm just a 'bookmark' on a web browser to people to click on when they're bored or wanting to gawk, and/or, stalk. it's been like this for years now, in some cases, and it's just getting old.

and the other thing with the one-way-mirror thing...i feel like i'm constantly being judged and critiqued and talked about, yet no one even heard my voice say the things they're critiquing. there was no body language to correspond with my words, no vocal pitches, no eye contact...nothing. just silent snapshots that allow people to feel as if they 'know' me...and it's weird. it doesn't make sense to me. despite being of this internet generation and being 'open''s still odd to have people i haven't seen in so long, know so much...and then follow up all of their 'oh! i read that you did that...' statements with, 'and i just figured you...' yet, as they're saying that, i have zero clue what they've been up too...and it's not for lack of trying on my end. i follow blogs, comment on photos, email random (sometimes drunk) thoughts, text to say hi--hell, i even comment on celebrities blogs/statuses/photos, etc... they don't know who i am, and that's totally okay...if i enjoy reading their stuff, i tell them. (okay...uhm, yeah, i AM terrible with phone calls; i just never have the time...and if i do, i typically prefer the silence.) and it's especially weird when the people who know so much about me, aren't following this blog, following me on g+ or fb and they don't call me or email me.

maybe i'm just awful to talk to in person or something...who knows? anyway...i didn't realize i had completely locked down my blog until i tried to access it from another account. i had been playing with my security settings and seeing what they all did--in an attempt to curb this feeling a bit. i'm guessing i just saved the wrong setting or didn't unsave something i had been trying. i'm back to open again (yay!?)...though i may just lock it all down again, on purpose (muhahaha). i'm going to talk to a few people to see if this is just me, or a normal thing, or a weird thing...and see what they do/did about it and take it from there. for now though...i'm back. yay. really. i know you're excited.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

happy to have purpose

i'm so happy. i will be taking part in a photo scavenger hunt, via g+. there's a couple hundred total participants so far. the girl putting it together wasn't expecting those kinda numbers so i volunteered to help moderate too. i'm just super excited to have a shooting purpose...i mean, who can resist shooting things like doughnuts, newspapers, moons, the letter z, etc...? not me! my kid wants to take part too, so now she has her own copy of the list. it'll be super fun to shoot with her and see what she comes up with :)

and other than that...i got nothin'. i don't even know why i felt the need to post tonight. i was just sitting here, wondering what to do next, and suddenly, the idea to blog popped into my head and well, here i am, filling the internet with more rubbish.

okay...i think i'm gonna go do something now. though i don't know what. just...somethin'...

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

snapping outta it...bitbybit

okay. well. tonight, i'm drinking tequila and eating jelly beans. the idea is to ditch the crabbiness and insane dreams, as well as allow myself a favorite treat--though i don't know which is what, exactly. (the dreams, as of late have been beyond intense...zombies, death, loneliness, love, vampires, aliens, hope, faith, memories--the list goes on and's hard to get a good night of sleep when you're constantly stuck in adventure mode. you just feel insane. all the time.)

i'm over my last night's pity party--that's for sure (maya angelou had a hand in it :) ) and i'm incredibly content laying here, cuddling with my little dog, eating a veggie corn dog and watching star trek, tos. i think i'm gonna go have some convo on g+ and maybe catch up on craigslist. oh. and figure out what thursday will hold...i have the entire day off and am stuck somewhere in between wanting to lay around in pj's all day and watch crappy t.v. or get out and drive with my camera...


i'm rambling.

i need to go see what happens to kirk...

Monday, October 10, 2011

i wish i didn't speak sometimes...

(a gift from an artist i met at the art crawl this weekend. i wish i woulda had a piece of my art to give him...)

tonight's nasty mood is being subdued with [very] dark chocolate, a glass on wine and cheers reruns.

on a brighter note, my work was featured here this week...


i had wanted my work there since the publication was started, but never thought it was ever good enough. i do check the site out daily, regardless, because it is FULL of amazing work, by incredible artists; and, consequently, holds tons of inspiration for me.

on another note, completely, kind of, i wish i didn't care so much and wasn't so sensitive. ever since this g+ this got going i've been excited and proud feeling. but, the person i share my life with hasn't cared. in fact, he's cut me down, made me feel stupid and teased me for not being initially crazy about the idea of another social network. (no. still not crazy about another personal, social network...i like the more professional/art side of things on g+. fb is still fine for friends and family... my g+ will never be personal for me.) i try not to talk about anything regarding my photo life but, tonight, i shared my excitement about being a part of that publication and i got laughed at and made fun of. i've since been apologized to but it doesn't matter anymore. my initial excitement is gone...i shared it with someone who didn't care and my inability to separate myself from a loved one's reaction has made me really, well, sad. yeah. like i said...i wish i wasn't so sensitive. i blame me in this because if i wasn't this sensitive, i'd still be excited. now, yeah, i just don't care. i've since deleted my posts regarding it from facebook and have no intention of mentioning it again. i'm sure i'm totally being ridiculous but this is where i'm at tonight. a poor me, pity-party that i'm gonna guess no one cares about either. hell...i really don't even care. i'm sick of being me. i know i'm annoying. i'm trying to be less invasive in lives...i swear.



sorry about my whinyness. i think i need to sleep. sorry. i'm sorry i'm not perking back up quicker with this one too...i think that makes me less of a person or something, but whatever. i'll come back within my usual 48 hours, like nothing ever happened. cuz, that's what i am. a dumb puppy.