Saturday, June 25, 2011

happy pride!

(pieces of cloud, or cotton...depending on how you look at it...)

okay. take a breath.

i did.

i'm calmer now. i talked to a good, old, dear friend about my past post and she was a wonderful support/vent we both had things to say, since we've both known the same person for a very, very, long time. bottom line, with all personal issues aside, it's really sad. a new baby is being brought into a situation that is terribly undesirable for even adults. there's other children who will get less attention than they already do and there's more resentment/anger/manipulation than love around that house. it sucks to think about.


with all that up there ^^^ being said--on a separate, yet semi oddly related, yet not really related note...way to go people of new york!
now, two people, who love each other, despite gender, can legally be recognized as a couple.

it's about love.
it's about strong families.
it's about strengthening communities.
it's about allowing adults to freely be a couple and not have to fight to be together through some of their lives biggest moments.

there's no room for hate.
if you don't agree, then live your life the way you would like to live it and let them do the same.
(yes. i'm a total hippie and a total sucker for people who love each other. i operate under the complete belief that any two, good, people who care about each other are good for the world as a whole.)

you have people who want children and would give anything to be a family. they're good people, doing good things...and then you have the others. you have people, who can be legal, and easily have children but who shouldn't be because the reasons aren't right. no one can make me believe that a child with two parents who like the above ^^^ mentioned people are better off than a child with two loving mom's who fought like hell to get that child.


i'm gonna step off my soap box now but i'm gonna leave it close...

oh!! and i spent my morning over at PRIDE today :) (can ya tell...?) i was shooting for the rainbow rumpus and i had a great time...check out other blog for a couple pics and more info.

click me to go to the other blog

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