Wednesday, June 15, 2011

whine, whine, wine?

(two of my latest favorites...)

yep. i'm still cranky. and that's all there is to it.

i'm trying to combat the sleep depravity with getting more than five hours of sleep per night and trying to stick to a regular running/biking/blading/walking schedule to keep all those endorphins flowing. this week though, it's just not working so much. but, there's always next week. (i swear. i say that every damn week lately. at least i'm an optimist. kinda.)

either way. i just keep moving...that way, stopping isn't an option--because as soon as i stop, as ridiculous as it sounds, i get overwhelmed.

next week, my schedule changes. not necessarily for the better but, in theory, it should be feel better changes. (i have a less regimented schedule but almost as much work...however, i will get my late nights back and that's when i work best. getting up at 530 everyday kills my most productive time and leaves me staying up way too late and fighting the tired...creating this domino effect i seem to be stuck in lately.)

anyway, enough whining. i updated my other blog. i'm not mentioning that so you'll all rush over there...i'm mentioning it so i don't feel like a total dead beat.

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