Friday, November 6, 2009

can't return me cause once you bought it...

yeah. so, there's some days that, believe it or not, i even look down and wonder what the hell it is that i'm wearing. this morning...while dropping my kid off at school i wore something that would have caused me, at my kids age, to possible never want to be seen with me again. i have a friends sweatshirt on. it's a black guiness beer sweatshirt that's only a little too's warm though. that's what i was going for. then, then there's the bright red, two sizes too big, sweatpants that i also, maybe slept in. my not showing yesterday left my hair, well...let's just say, a tad bit messed up--so, i threw on a brown fedora. oh! then, there's the boots. near knee high brown, fur boots that pushed the red sweat pants up to my knees, causing them to bunch up quite nicely. and, to top it all off, my favorite navy blue poofy vest that i broke the zipper off last's ok though...the pin on it has two cats on it and says, 'keep smiling.'

i'm gonna go shower now. and drink some coffee. i have this delicious coffee from a friend that i'm so excited to sip away on. also, i have to get to the dmv...the whole new license thing. i'm not gonna wear clothes that make it look like i escaped from a mental hospital this time. for the last four years my license has made me look like i should be hospitalized. (one drunk night, a friend looked at it, laughed till he cried, showed everyone else, got them laughing too, and then told me why. now...i just point it out to people to save myself the embarrassment. i have yet to have someone even slightly disagree.) so, what's the appropriate level of fixing you should do to yourself when getting a new license picture taken. i mean, i don't want to go all glamour shots or anything (do they still have those places btw?) but i do want to look better than last time. then again, most of the time, when i show my license, i am lookin all good and the bar and stufffff. then again, again, when some cop finds me peeing in an alley behind the bar after bitching out the bartender for cutting me off because i maybe fell over while dancing and took out the shot girl...i'm not gonna be lookin all hot and stuff then...(that has NEVER happened btw. i am strictly speaking in hypothetical terms...)

ok. i'm stalling...


cmarie said...

hahahahaha-hiccup-hahahahahahaha ok; now i can't remember what I was going to respond to in the first place, you get funnier as you go (sometimes) Later.

Iris said...

hahaha! too funny :) well, glad i could make you laugh and hiccup mom! sometimes i get funnier...sometimes more depressive--totally depends on the day :)