Wednesday, June 25, 2008

did i go too far...

i didn't play croquet due to splitting the bottom of my foot open and having no feeling in my toes. ya know, when i think about it...the fact that i was too injured to play croquet is pretty lame.

it was all my sister's fault though...we were playing keep away and she checked me in mid-air and i came down on a brick...i felt my skin pop like the june bug my best friend squashed last guts didn't pop out though, just my blood.



LaNae said...

Just reading that makes my foot hurt... sucky.

Iris said...

sorry ;)

it was pretty bad, huh?

Anonymous said...

I still love the junebug squash sound. Shawn squashed one last night and I thought of you! hehehe! Oh and quit being such a puss about your foot, it isn't so bad...

Iris said...

it IS bad. every time i sit down for awhile and then stand back up, i feel it pop back open and it oozes. i'm hoping it doesn't get infected cuz feet are dirty...and sweaty.

at least this didn't happen as i was walking up my own stairs and i tripped and fell or anything retarded like that...whew ;)

Anonymous said...

that one was below the belt! The step jumped up and tripped me!

Iris said...

hahahaha! that was pretty bad, huh? i should have used the one from the other night when you nearly chipped a tooth while dancing!