Thursday, October 13, 2011

happy to have purpose

i'm so happy. i will be taking part in a photo scavenger hunt, via g+. there's a couple hundred total participants so far. the girl putting it together wasn't expecting those kinda numbers so i volunteered to help moderate too. i'm just super excited to have a shooting purpose...i mean, who can resist shooting things like doughnuts, newspapers, moons, the letter z, etc...? not me! my kid wants to take part too, so now she has her own copy of the list. it'll be super fun to shoot with her and see what she comes up with :)

and other than that...i got nothin'. i don't even know why i felt the need to post tonight. i was just sitting here, wondering what to do next, and suddenly, the idea to blog popped into my head and well, here i am, filling the internet with more rubbish.

okay...i think i'm gonna go do something now. though i don't know what. just...somethin'...

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