Wednesday, September 28, 2011

shocked, humbled, honored and smiling :)

(fav from the other day...see last paragraph for explanation...)

wow. so...i'm sitting here in complete aw of what happened this afternoon.

a few weeks ago i decided to jump ahead of the trend and jump on the google+ wagon. trying to brand myself as a photographer who doesn't do weddings, and who isn't a guy, is, i decided to just throw up some of my favorite work while i get to know the routine of it all. as it turned out, i knew like three people on my account just kinda just sat there--i wasn't even sure what to use it for. then i started following a few of my favorite photographers for the inspiration, trey ratclif, jeremy cowart, thomas hawk and lotus carrol. from there, i added a few more, lesser known, photogs, that were equally amazing to my circles. then, thomas hawk noticed me and circled me...even 'liking' some of MY stuff and the artist, natasha westcoat circled me and then so did lotus carrol. seriously, i was beyond honored that any of them would even look my way...let alone add me to their circles.

so, back to this afternoon...lotus carrol put together a list of her top 250 favorite photographers on google+ and she included me. i'm there, right next to jeremy cowart, trey ratcliff, thomas hawk and her. i am so humbled and proud and excited...all at once. i don't even know where to begin with this. i went from having 30 people in my circles to having over 200 within ten minutes...and that number is still growing and will continue to for days, i'm sure.

i have no idea what to say, what to post, how to not suck, how to keep doing what i do, how to get people involved in conversation so they don't hate me every time i post and i really don't know how not to be totally annoying. i'm going to have all of these total strangers listening to me and watching's so intrusive feeling and honoring, all at once. i think i'll make sure my profile is clean and doesn't suck too bad and then wait a couple days to actually post again. i'm totally overwhelmed but excited...and seriously, i am super motivated and inspired to go shoot MORE!


now i'm done writing but, well, i have no photo to post. i see a lot of irony in that...not the funny kind though. crap. hmmm. i could go shoot something...but, well, that'd be too much work right now. i spose i could leave you with one more shot of fav from the other day...i spose it's kinda fitting for this blog, too??

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