Friday, September 2, 2011

it's better than sock and sandals...maybe

so, i like my new job. i like working in a school...i can't wait to get excited about holiday breaks and summer vacation again. i like that i pulled in my first, new, volunteer today and was so was she. she has a daughter starting kindergarten and it took those first day jitters away from both of them, as now the kindergartener knows she'll get to see mom at school, and mom knows she'll get to check in throughout the day. i like that i don't have a cube, but an office, with a window. those two factors, single-handedly, took that boxed in, negative feeling away--i'm not even slightly worried about it anymore. i like that i re-arranged things today to make it more me and i'm slowly filling my walls with art to make my space brighter. (thanks to the help of my kid on this one...) i like that the jeans i had issues buttoning three weeks ago are now perfectly comfortable. i like that next week, when school starts, i can get my kid on and off the bus everyday and i like that i have one day off during the week to simply have as mine. i like that i'll be teaching art on my off days and i like that i am planning to offer mini photo sessions this fall...just in time for holiday photos.

i don't like that my facebook keeps having my past status updates popping up, reminding my what i was rambling on about on this day in 2009. i mean, i do, kinda...but it's about the last thing my brain needs lately. i don't like that it still feels like summer, i, am ready for fall. i don't like that a week has went by without me working on a single photo project. (i plan to change that this weekend...) and i don't like that i was told by an eight year old that socks and high heels look stupid together. because they don't. they look fine. as long as they match. and the socks aren't bulging out, over the shoes. and they're not plain, white, hanes. and they're not dirty. i tried to convince her of this but she just sat there, giving me 'that look'. then i tried to explain that it looks way better than my how my bright pink nail polish looks next to my red shoes. she still didn't buy it so i grounded her. i mean, she's not my kid, but she pretty much lives at my house 1/4 of the week, most of the time...and i changed her diapers, so i figured that was a good idea. she didn't like that... (*see picture above for illustration*)

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