Thursday, September 15, 2011

can't i just buy some new sass?

(went out and shot some suburban night life last night...those guys are crazzzzzay...)

so...i'm having this fb issue. it keeps reminding me how much cooler/funnier/wittier/smarter/sharper/etc... i was in 2009. i go to update my status and over in the corner, it tells me what i wrote in 2009 on that exact day...and believe you me, it was always way better than the dribble i am trying to update my status with in 2011. it's giving me a complex.

today...i mentioned it on fb...via status, of course. i snapped and said something along the lines of 'well, according to facebook, i was officially way funnier and cooler in 2009.' and the responses were what you'd expect of a 'honey? does this make me look fat?' question...

one person said, 'oh. it's okay! i still love you in 2011!' and a couple more 'liked' it...which is the equivalent of an internet head nod and another said quite simply, 'agreed. you've lost your edge.' he followed it up with, 'i'm sorry, i'm sure you're still quite charming...hey! i know some great grimy places to go photograph!' i found myself getting super excited about grimy places (he's a graffiti artist...of course he knows grimy places) i also found myself thinking, yes. he's right. i've lost my edge. i'm rounded. i'm an over-dramatic, rounded, weirdo who's completely depressed, at the moment, about my terribly high levels of lameness. i'm a lame, round, weirdo and i'm so crabby about it. i mean...i know i've been sucky lately with, well, anything remotely social...but this feels like i lost my favorite pound puppy or something. (and i have no clue where that analogy came from.) i mean...i have no reason to be witty or sharp or funny or anything, i guess, because i don't really talk to anyone, but this blog, but whatevs. (yes. this blog is now a person.) seriously. i suck. i need to get less sucky but i have no clue how. guess i stay stuck in sucksville. sucksucksucksucksucksucky.

argh. okay...enough of that. on a totally unrelated note...i had an amazing day thrifting and shopping. i even got cowboy boots. and right now...i'm gonna go back to beading a necklace and watching mystery science theater 3000. it's a good one tonight...giant turtle versus some weird humungous lizard thing all dubbed in english--since it's a japanese flick.

omg. i'm depressed.

and pathetic.

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