Thursday, April 28, 2011

joe can't go

(my crazy mind got super excited about this old milk can i found the other day. i drove with it sitting next to me, buckled in, in the front seat of my truck. i even took photos of us together...)

ah. the dreams. the effin, friggin dreams.

okay, so, i hate to admit this but, maybe it's coffee. see, here's the deal though (in defense of the beautiful beans)...i'm feeling half insane lately anyway. season changes get me all excited, creatively speaking, and it's really hard to be/feel normal during these times. and this winter, the winter to spring transition, is incredibly long and drawn out. it's suckin. plus, there's the fact that i'm just busy...which keeps my brain in high gear. it just can't shut down? (it's okay coffee baby, i know you didn't mean's not your fault. it's mine. really. i love you.)

the cool thing, things i spend time thinking on, during waking hours, have been happening. like, okay, i've been CRAVING a melding of creative minds lately but, alas (and yes, i'm a snot), i have none around me to play with. i love throwing ideas around with like-minded folk who don't give me that 'look' when an idea comes up but, instead, build off it. i love people who can, in any way, compliment what i do and how i think. anyway...this morning, in a dream, i got high (smells, colors, emotions, texture, etc...are commonplace but the feeling of intoxication...TOTALLY new), and i sat there with an old friend and we bounced things and toyed with things and we came up with things and hashed out things and decided what resources and talents we had individually and how we could take it all and pool it together and build things. (oh. and, because i was high, in my dream, i also laughed super hard and talked nonstop and couldn't sit still for a second.) and, in real life, i woke up with new ideas; i woke up with a head swimming in thought. it was ridiculous. but, i'll totally take it.

this weekend there's an art crawl [semi] in my area. i don't know anyone showing anything this year, but i think i'll make a real effort to get down there--just to scratch an itch. this weekend's already busy but i think i can squeeze it in. (saturday, i will be trying my hand at baking kolache's to hand out on mayday. after a long winter...i think the neighbors could use something like that and a baking day sounds perfect. sunday holds me delivering them and a photo shoot--i'm doing senior portraits. i've never done those but am, again, looking forward to trying my hand at it. the only debate...should i bring strangers home baked goods or not?)

so yeah. in conclusion, coffee is not the culprit of my crazy head. i am the culprit. therefore, coffee can stay but i should go...this blog has lost its point.

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