Thursday, April 7, 2011

happy spring!

(i adore googly eyes...they make everything better :) )

(my typical afternoon...lesson plans, art projects, a snack and tea. not coffee. i really can NOT complain...)

so, this week was spring week in my classroom. i had so many ideas and projects and fun stuff planned. we made flowers with tissue paper and pipe cleaners. used our finger prints to make a big spring scene, on canvas, full of caterpillars, bee's, butterflies, flowers, birds and anything else a finger print could look like. we made rain sticks and splatter painted a big umbrella for our door and we designed butterflies with water colors and coffee filters; plus, we spent at least an hour, each day, playing outside. it was wonderful week to wash away winter and add some major color to our room and minds.

today, i stayed late at work to decorate the windows...i hung all the butterflies, with fishing line, down from the window sills and taped all the flowers, going upwards, on the window sill to give it the impression of being a butterfly garden. it added so much color and warmth to my room and the kids loved it; all eight windows are now filled with spring beauty!

then...i went to open my windows, to let in all the spring time freshness of the afternoon, and realized that i had inadvertently taped them all shut as well. i now need to go back and remove every, single flower to get my windows to open again.

however, being that it was a friday afternoon, and i have a three day weekend, i just left. i'll deal with it later :)

(p.s. i'm gonna hate myself later...)


Drackar said...

I need to acquire a buttload of googly eyes for a project. I should get on that...

Iris said...

they make everything better; kinda like ranch dressing. whatcha makin'??