Wednesday, April 13, 2011

the goal post COULD start on fire, ya know...

(SUCH a cliche shot...but, after 13 hours in these bad boys...they deserved some sorta somethin'...)

i've had this issue with phone apps that are all the rage lately and pose as photography tools. i've voiced my concerns with this to anyone who will listen...or, not listen, but whom i've cornered into a conversation and have no choice BUT to listen.


i kinda take it all back.

i've been playing with a couple of 'em...and here's what i love:
-i don't have to carry my filmless polaroid, my defunct brownie or purchase a holga to get their results. granted, the look to me is about as authentic as the sound of an old, grainy 45 that's been digitally remastered on disc. but, it's still kinda there...
-i don't have to carry my dslr everywhere i go...but i know i can get a cool shot wherever i go.
-no editing. how i shoot 'em, is how ya get 'em.
-no computer time to upload from my camera. it's just a click away before they're emailed to me and posted wherever.
-my biggest awesome factor though...these apps bring me back to the art of composing a shot. i know i won't be editing, so i try to make sure it's all, composition, balance, viewpoint, color, background, etc... it brings me back to the basics and it feels great!

the reason i'm not a fan you ask...?
-hipsters. stupid, smelly, big-fake-glasses-wearing, hipsters. they think they own instagram and they don't. so there. i said it. hipsters.

damn hipsters...

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