Sunday, September 12, 2010

things'll be great when you're downtown

(re-do...all done. i need a road trip. even a, kid's-are-at-school, day trip, an hour and a half away trip...i need a road trip.)

i need to start keeping notes. i, so often times think, 'i want to blog about this! i'll do it tonight!' then, inevitably tonight comes and i forget what 'it' is. i sit. wondering what to write about but knowing i have a writing bug that needs to be squashed. squishing a real bug though, is something i'd never purposely do. sure, an ant gets stepped on here and there but that's not intentional, that's divine intervention...or something. this weekend, i bet i got bit over 100 times by mosquito's and never squashed one. if i was to have slapped myself that many times, i would have ended up injured. (i also have no mosquito bumps though...they were tiny mosquito's, maybe that has something to do with it? i credit bug-karma.) i did end up injured, i guess, but not from bugs. (i realized today that i haven't been bee stung this summer, btw! i get bee stung pretty much every summer...i haven't mowed over any hives either though this summer.) i got injured from weeds actually. i brushed against something that made my hand break out in about twenty, white, blistery looking bumps that burned and itched so bad. they're now just deflated looking red bumps that don't burn or itch at all. i mostly did cutting this weekend. all-in-all, i cut down ten trees in various stages of growth and i made the man chainsaw down two more big ones, as no one seems to trust me with one of those things. i got slivers, chipped my nail polish (which i also learned is the same color as my blood) and i have scratches all over my arms, but the yard looks good at least--me, on the other hand, whole different story.

this morning, i did get to get pretty (despite my perma-crabby demeanor, as of late, bumpy hands, chipped polish and scratched up arms) and enjoy a wonderful brunch, downtown. al vento. amazing. their eggs benedict and their whipped cream...perfection. seriously. i never write about food like this...well, maybe i do here and there, but this was the best food i've ever written about...despite what i may have said back then. i didn't know what i was talking about back then. my kid dug their chocolate fountain and the fresh strawberries and i just marveled in it all. and so veggie-friendly! thank you urban dining for being able to, so beautifully, healthily and effortlessly, incorporate beans and fish and eggs [not riddled with sausage and bacon] into your, from-scratch, menu. i also wasn't the odd man out when it came to the clothes i dressed in! thank you urban fashion for not consisting of various shades of khaki and perhaps, if feeling daring, a tiny splash of maroon (not red though...too bright...). it was great to wear my hair, my necklace, my skirt and my shiny zebra shoes out loud and to feel normal while doing so. typically, i try to be me without being too loud and that starts to get frustrating. then i go crazy and drink wine and cut my bangs so short they stick straight up.

i know, i know. whatever. shit happens. they've grown out quite nicely since...

((awkward silence))

yup...uhm, down to the eyebrows now and looking sharp--like i meant to do it. i mean i did. i meant to do it.

((rocks on feet, scrunches nose))

i mean, actually, i had planned to cut ALL my hair...common sense did kick in. really. obviously. right? totally...

((walks away mumbling about them twins))

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