Friday, August 6, 2010


as i write, i'm licking my lips (in a fairy tale cat sort of fashion, i suppose), lost in the lingering taste of the salmon burger, topped with fresh tomato, that i just ate. i skipped the bun, skipped all sauces and spices, skipped everything but that piece of salmon and the tomato slice i put on top.

hmmm. this is a terribly boring blog so far.

hmmm x 2. i wonder what happens if you eat too many that i think of it? (look...i never promised it was going to get better with that statement up there ^^^; i simply stated it was, don't hold your breath in hopes of a michael bay-esque writing scene. or do if it's suicide you're attempting, i don't care. you may just succeed after i'm done here...) i've added tomatoes to two of my three meals for a week now. lunch today: rice with cheese, tobasco, soy chicken and tomatoes. dinner last night: rice with tilapia, topped with cherry tomatoes. lunch yesterday: open-faced egg salad sandwich, topped with, you guessed it, a tomato. dinner the day before yesterday: ok, i actually don't remember that...but, i know it had tomatoes in it somehow too. my garden just keeps throwin 'em at me, so, i keep eatin 'em. and i've learned that if i add tomato, i don't need anything else. no sauces, spices, fats, nothin...just tomato.

ok. this is ridiculous. i've been writing for 15 minutes about tomatoes. hey! i wonder if too many tomatoes can make you cramp up so bad while running that each step feels like you're being stabbed or ripped apart inside? that happened to me yesterday. i had to hobble a whole mile home. it was terribly embarrassing and terribly aggravating--as i got completely screwed out of a good run. too many tomatoes can't do that...can they? no. i don't think so. i hope not anyway! that would be awful...they're my friends, right? RIGHT!?

omgosh. ok. enough! this blog entry needs to be put out of it's pathetically, boring misery. tomatoes, cramps, running, days of meals, more tomatoes, this is insane.

hitting, publish now.

(oh heyheyhey dead yet from that suicide attempt? i hope not. i have like, uhm...three readers any you're one of them...and without you, i'd be down to like, 2 or somethin.)

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