Sunday, August 1, 2010

i love you cupcake

so. guess what? i found my favorite wine.

i discovered her on saturday while walking through the wine store, took her out to our best friend's 10th wedding anniversary party and fell in love.

her and i had a wonderful night together. we started off slow but by the end of it all we had had a great snuggle/laugh session with our best friend, played 'have you ever' with a bunch of people we hardly knew, figured out/planned our sister's wedding for whenever it may or may not happen, lost our shoes and the keys to a vehicle we hadn't driven in days yet apparently still felt the need to bring, ate six hour old food that had been at room temp the whole time that made us sick and made us cozy up in bed and fall asleep before even hitting the pillow.

it was a great first impression and i can't wait till we hang out again. someday. but no time soon. i'm still recovering our last bout...

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