Thursday, August 12, 2010

anger to inspiration...

(stand behind, support, teach, let them fly...)

can you picture Jesus Christ holding a political sign?
campaigning for a certain political party?
the thought of that makes us roll our eyes in a blasphemous disgust.
if i were to illustrate a picture of Jesus with a Nixon button...what would you think?

as Christians, where do we need to be? what matters should we trouble ourselves with? with a candidate? with big button political issues? or maybe within, helping make our communities stronger, better, more wholesome places for our children to be raised? i am so appalled by things when i take the time to look them square in the eye. any church that troubles themselves with the affairs of washinton is as guilty as the politicians in their level of corrupt. change starts in your neighborhood...and as the future generations move around, they will take the messages we teach them into their new communities. you don't need messages to be taught in schools, you need them taught at home. you don't need to change curriculum, you need solid parenting and to teach children that condemning others does not promote Jesus's message. you don't need to outlaw abortion, you need to make sure mom knows that if she chooses to keep that baby, it will be loved in her community. you don't need to outlaw gay marriage, you need to embrace solid families for children as they ARE the future and too many of them are being raised terribly in hetero homes already. those are political issues that have sneaked into our minds, soaking minds with dark negativity, shielding us from the light of our true spirituality.

i could make a solid argument that the devil is winning in his deflecting...turning us against each other in the name of Jesus. but really? have we fallen for that? we have so much wrong with our nation and we are so stupidly under the belief that if we change one major city to believe what we believe, it will all just magically get better. what an idiotic way to think! let the government rule our politics, let us rule our spirituality.

i challenge people...the next negative thought you have toward someone for thinking differently than yourself, recognize the negativity and pray for peace within your own mind. a genuine peace that will help someone...not just try to sway someone--if intentions are not pure, then neither will the deed.

as an artist, i recognize that without our differences, SO much beauty in this world would be lost....and yet condemning someone for thinking differently you is a justifiable hate for so many. if you are not my color, of my beliefs, of my political mind...i can hate you because my belief states that i should. i will accept Jesus's word over your word of hate any day...

i do question my own intentions for writing and consequently posting this as i'm typically the one in hemp preaching to legalize marajuana and keep choices in the hands of the women who are fully capable of making them; however, this morning, while watching a documentary called, Jesus Camp, i just couldn't take it anymore...sitting silently with my pipe and writing to myself about these things. i've started to pity people over time who are hooked on the political drug and use it as a platform to spew hate veiled with a thin layer of concern. i've started, over time, to feel superior to those poor saps waving red, white and blue signs on a street corner, as i know that my daily work with children and art is making a million times more of an impact than they ever will. and it's within those thoughts that i realize i'm just a hypocritical as the people i shake my head at in a combined state of pity and sympathy. and in the same way i challenge you to turn your negative emotion into genuine positive, i challenge myself.

it's time to step away from washington and look out my own front door.
it's time to realize that my daily choices effect the earth more than my words will ever effect my senator and to keep the word of Jesus alive, our earth needs to be here.
it's time to chose humble over boisterous.

it's time to study the word and ignore the words...

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