Sunday, September 14, 2008

they're eyeballs...

(the bowl of squishy balls at my desk...i want to bathe in them...kinda)

my week of accruing crabby finally exploded into me entering a terribly un-healthy drunken stupor...that eventually left me exploding in my truck on the way home.

here's the story in an egg shell. nut shell, whatever.

friday night, i went to see a show at this dirty little bar...but due to my wandering legs, flighty mind and rambling mouth, i missed the whole damn thing. after the one dirty bar we went to another dirty bar where i drank some more, but smoked even more. in fact, i think i caught myself some cancer at that bar. i talked to this one boy a lot because he made me feel good..he has more issues with someone no good for him than i do with someone no good for me. i actually clung to him just to make him keep telling me all about was terrible of me. i almost made him cry at one point with my incessant digging into his life but i kept going. every time he talked about his screwed up relationship i felt a little better about mine. it was quite therapeutic. i thought i had just met him that night but, according to my sister, i've actually known him since 1998 and was even at his house a couple times. i kinda feel like an idiot least i know why we got along so good. woops. that totally explains the awkward silence when i blurted out, 'god i can't believe i just met seems like i've known you forever.' (don't worry, i cured that awkward feeling by blasting through it with more rambling about nonsensical garbage.) i met some other super people who seemed like they would be fun to get together with again, and for me, that says a lot. i normally can't wait to be done with people.

saturday, i woke up after a very minimal amount of sleep with one shoe still on (i had never even attempted to untie it) and dried puke on my pants, but damn was i in a good mood. i am embarrassingly swell at living life at a drunken washed up rockstar kind of level.

i wanted desperetly to go out again last night, and would have--had it not been with the dude from the relationship i had tried drunkenly to work through completely the night before. i figured it wouldn't have been the smartest move in the world on so many i whined about being single and what not then passed out...

about the whole lack of postings thing btw...i've just have a few bigger fish to fry and some shit that needed/needs to be dealt with. unfortunately, with my inability to be home for more than four waking hours a day, nothing gets dealt with if i'm staring at the computer screen...ya know...?


LaNae said...

You were very funny Friday night but I had tons of fun with you. Hope you can get the smell out of your truck. If it makes you feel better I had the same talk with said boy until 4:30 am to make me feel better about myself so, you do not have to feel so guilty.

Iris said...

good. i'm glad you thought i was funny. do you think i was more funny or more annoying? i think more funny but i was drunk so in reality it was probably more annoying.

the smell is still there. it's terrible.

he KEPT talking?!?! wow! he has A LOT to deal with! like i should talk though...

LaNae said...

no, you did nto annoy me at all. The funny thing is you even know the girl he was talking about. He was dating Kayla Berwall for three years.

Iris said...

yeah...i'm kinda an idiot! i know i was at her house. wow. my stupidity amazes me sometimes!