Thursday, September 18, 2008


(with pics like this it ain't happeningm though. what's with all the redneck speak today btw...?)

so my kid has been using my lap top to listen to music on before going to sleep at night. she loves her music before bed, always has, but her cd player broke--and so instead of making her learn at the tender age of five what withdraw is all about (i'll cut her off sometime in her late single digits)...i've just been turning on xm kids to appease her music minded mind. problem is, is that by the time she falls asleep, i'm too tired to collect my computer and write a blog. come to think of it...i've been tired a lot lately. this whole working thing sucks. 35 is coming though...that's when i'll be at home full time with my camera.

just seven years i tells ya until i can:
flip rush hour the bird (which i do to many on a daily basis already...i call it practice).
get out of bed at a decent hour (eleven is decent, isn't it?).
stop wearing clothes that match at least a little (i did match my sock and earrings today, i'll have you know...the rest kinda sorta went together).
shoes without paint stains (which i do still wear to the cube job but have been teased about more than once).
can enjoy a glass of, and/or bottle of, wine with breakfast, er, i mean lunch. (like lunch is all that much better drunkard.)

one day i tells day.

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