Wednesday, August 27, 2008

written at 8. posted at ten. a.m and p.m.

(i love lavender...i'm gonna stick it in mt drawers and take baths with it and stuff)

wow. so yeah...last night, i COMPLETELY forgot to blog. seriously. somehow, something that i have done 200 or some odd days in a row i never even thought to do last night. i remembered while sitting in traffic this morning.

i also forgot to roll up my window last night in my truck and, of course, it poured. i just used the sweater i'm wearing to soak up the monstrous puddle on my seat...i figure i should dry out by noon or so. so THIS morning it's fall out boy with a splash of +44 and a lot of coffee to get me going...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey I miss you tons! This chicken pox isolation thing sucks! The girl is bouncing off the walls going absolutely insane being stuck in the house for her 5th day in a row! We did take her to Best buy on monday, we are naughty! I hope nobody gets it...Miss you and can't wait to see you again!