Saturday, August 2, 2008

the adventures of abbie and iris

well, my dad left for sturgis.

my job, while he's gone, is to babysit abbie: his big, black, furry, wild mutt of a dog...who also happens to be the sweetest, funniest, softest, teddy bear of a dog ever. first thing she got, upon entering my house, was a bath. no, she didn't really stink that bad or anything (according to my dad anyway), but after a bath free summer--that's included lots of dead fish rolling and slimy frog munching-- i figured she was due. my dad is a total bachelor who really doesn't mind the smell but me, as a mom, minds it quite a lot. the worst smell my house typically encounters is a rotten glass of milk left around by the, ok, well, maybe me too here and there.

the only problem is that i just keep having this dilemma with her 'baby'. that thing is the nastiest, smelliest, dirtiest, used-to-be pink-but-is-now-poopy brown bunny ever. it's terrible. it's still in the bed of my truck. i'm thinking tomorrow i may just put in in the back yard for her and hope she doesn't try to smuggle it inside. (though i know she will.)

she also has this thing where she truly believes she is a lap dog. tonight, while playing mario kart with my kid, she stood up, looked at me and in almost slow motion, climbed up onto my recliner, stood on top of me and lazily circled three doggy circles before laying right across my lap. the only problem with this whole thing is that she weighs just about 70 lbs. i didn't have the heart to tell her to move. i know she's feeling a little depressed...she had a really rough start in life; she was bounced from home to home and was beat up pretty bad...she has separation issues. her and my dad are so close; he fork feeds her occasionally and sleeps with her under the blankets if she's cold. i was the one who brought her home to him in '00 and i lived with her for a couple of years so she's quite used to me, but it's still hard on her. in a day or two i think she'll be better...either way, i do enjoy having her around.

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